Welcome to Compas

Compas is a web-based application that aims to increase product knowledge and facilitate selection and use of on-load tap-changers and bushing.

With Compas you can get quick and easy access to information of the following Hitachi Energy products

T-Sync tap - changers

Conventional on-load tap-changers
  • UBB
  • UCG
  • UCL
  • UZE
  • UZF

Vacuum on-load tap-changers
  • VUBB
  • VUCG
  • VUCL


Oil impregnated paper (OIP)
  • GOB
  • GOE
  • GOH
  • GOM
  • GOEK

Resin impregnated paper (RIP)
  • AirRip® flex
  • AirRip® flex AF
  • OilRip
  • GSA-OA
  • GSA-OO
  • GSB
  • GSBK

Resin Impregnated synthetics (RIS)
  • EasyDry®

Hitachi Energy offers an extensive product portfolio within the Transformer Components and Insulation area. Please visit our product web site at https://www.hitachienergy.com/offering/product-and-system/transformer. Within Compas the website is always available via the Product portfolio tab.

For information about delivery times, please see up-to-date times through: Delivery times for transformer components | Hitachi Energy

For more information about Bushings please see: Bushings

For information about other Hitachi Energy products, please contact us via the following link: Contact us